Sunday, June 22, 2008

Perilous Plateaus in Weight Loss

During the weight loss process whether you count calories go by another diet there will be slow times where you don't seem to lose much weight. This can be very frustrating to go through. I have had two week stretches where my weight doesn't seem to change at all.

The important thing to remember here, that I have found, is that you are modifying your behavior with food. This takes a long term perspective. Every time my weight loss slowed down or plateaued I kept counting those calories and it paid off. After the plateau I would tend to lose a few pounds pretty quickly.

Make counting calories a habit and view it as a changing of perspective rather than a short term diet. After all, what are you supposed to do once you reach your goal weight? Keep Counting!

The reason we ended up weighing more than we should is because we consumed too many calories for too long. Once we lose the weight we have to keep it off by consuming approximately the same amount of calories that we burn in a day. So take a long term perspective and realize that this is a life changing process, not a temporary inconvenience.

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